Specifically focused on the purchase and sale of fruits, vegetables, grains and oils, including transport.

In the eyes of growers and consumers we are seen as a reliable partner always putting the importance of quality in the first place. Most consumer goods are delivered to customers' doorsteps. We guarantee complete traceability from source to consumption. Our products have a fully controlled and certified production.


Picking and transport



Picking and packaging



Picking and transport



Packaging and selling



Purchasing and selling



We cover the area of Europe with pallet trucks and refrigerators. We are specialized in the field of BiH > EU and vice versa, regardless of the type of cargo. Our aim is that the trucks are always at the agreed time at the agreed place.


For any additional questions and information you can send us an inquiry. We will be happy to answer it.

AGRO LOGISTIC, transport in trgovina, d.o.o.
Lendavska ulica 5A, 9000 MURSKA SOBOTA

E: office@agrologistic.si | I: www.agrologistic.si

T: +386 2 621 23 40 | F: +386 2 621 23 60

    Obrazec bo poslal vnesene podatke na naš kontaktni naslov. Podatke potrebujemo, da vam lahko odgovorimo. Vaših podatkov za druge namene ne obdelujemo in jih ne posredujemo tretjim osebam. Če želite naknadni izbris vašega povpraševanja iz naše baze prejetih e-pošt, stopite v stik preko kontaktnih podatkov.

    Za pravilno delovanje tega spletišča se včasih na vašo napravo naložijo majhne podatkovne datoteke, imenovane piškotki. Sistemski piškotki, ki so nujni za delovanje, so že dovoljeni. Vaša izbira pa je, da dovolite ali zavrnete piškotke analitike in trženja, ki nudijo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo, enostavnejšo uporabo strani in prikaz ponudbe, ki je relevantna za vas.